
Hi, everyone, I’m Wang from the BizReach AI Technology Group. I gave a poster presentation about ML & NLP in GTC China 2018 last year. This work is about salary prediction of job posts. All training is provided by Stanby, a job search engine.


Salary Prediction

The goal of salary prediction is to guess the annual salary of a vacant position from job description, using millions of job posting data. While this information it is vital for job seekers, it is often considered extremely and confidential from the employers’ perspectives.

In our work, we used a complex deep learning model to achieve highly accurate predictions of salaries and deployed the model forStanby ™. I believe this model will also be utilized in other service in the future.


Below I will briefly introduce our model. This model consists of three parts:

In the first part we use a Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit network to learn contextual information.


In the second part, we used a Multi-channel Convolutional architecture to get different sizes of feature representation.


Finally, we have a fully connected layer to concatenate all features, and compress feature dimension for final prediction.

How about GTC China 2018


Let’s talk about GTC China 2018. In fact, I also attend GTC Japan 2018 with Miss Koo, another member in the same team.

Big names in Chinese AI field like Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu also joined this event.

Foreign companies like Microsoft, also has a Research Center in Beijing. It is a top-level NLP research institute in the world.


Over 5000 developers joined this conference. They are coming from different fields including AI, GPU Acceleration, AI Cloud platform development, Computer Vision, Robotics, NLP(Natural Language Processing), FinTech and so on.

Presentation Talks

In the conference, I listened to presentations conducted by top researchers and engineers.

Many researchers believe that Reinforcement Learning (RL) will become the second wave of AI Technology. But the RL is not mature yet for real world usage as data collection and problem specification is still hard. Even though RL already can do simple job like learn to play games and getting high score.


As the main income source of Tencent is from the game industry, so they are interested in develop an intelligent AI game players. In the Tencent AI Research Center, there are more than 80 researchers and 400 AI engineers. Most of the researchers are PhD graduates from the USA top universities.


Maybe one day, the virtual world will develop faster than our world.

Machine Translation is one of the hot topic of NLP application. It can assist us to communicate with foreigners without language barrier. But unfortunately the current translation quality is not good enough for production.

Microsoft Asia is one of the top player in NLP field. Microsoft researcher introduced a new idea called Dual Unsupervised Learning this time. It is a combination of deep neural network and reinforcement learning.


Some Free talks

One of poster presenter from Sweden, working in a company focused on CV and automatization. They are coming for both introducing their products and recruitment. They said that it is hard to hire AI engineer or researcher in Sweden. In fact, many famous AI companies, like Microsoft Asia, Nvidia, also held some recruitment event in GTC China.

GTC China is in SUZHOU, also called “paradise” in the past.


I love Chinese food

I really enjoyed the food here. They are so delicious!



Learning AI Tech alone is difficult, so GTC China is a great chance to talk with lots of developers around the world in person. I hope one day, BizReach will be one of the leading company in the world. Should you have any questions, please feel free to email me by:

王 忠聖
王 忠聖

AI室AI Research Engineer